This blog was created as a place to organize, store, and publish genealogical information collected by D.K. Pritchett (Southern Muse) over the past thirty or so years. The primary focus of our research were families in North Georgia, East Tennessee, and Northeast Alabama. The main lineages in this family tree are: Pritchett, Petty, Pankey, and Murray (emigrated from North Carolina to North Georgia); Bryant, Gray, Cooper, and Sizemore (families of Jackson County, Alabama, and Dade County, Georgia); and Headrick, Emert, Patty, Dunn, Caylor, and related lines (emigrated from East Tennessee to North Georgia; primarily located in Murray County, Georgia, with roots in Gilmer, Fannin, and Union, Georgia; and in Blount, Bradley, Polk, and Hamilton Counties, of East Tennessee); one branch shot off to Humphrey County, Tennessee.
Most of these are tight-woven clans, with roots that intertwine and reconnect many times over. Our purpose is to trace, document, and source, as well as possible, the connections back from the main descendants living in Murray and Dade County, Georgia; and Jackson County, Alabama. Some of the descendants of these lines moved west. For that reason, these lines include some families in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and other western states. We focus on ancestors, not descendants. However, in some cases, descendant lines have been traced in order to find known or suspected connections to existing, related lines.
Specific Surnames and Locations:
Pritchett: Virginia to North Carolina, to North Georgia; some left for Kansas about 1855.
Petty: North Carolina to North Georgia.
Murray: North Carolina to North Georgia to Oklahoma.
Pankey: North Georgia; one line, related to Pritchett.
Headrick: Pennsylvania to East Tennessee to North Georgia; related to Dunn and Caylor.
Dunn: East Tennessee to North Georgia; related to Headrick and Caylor.
Emert: Pennsylvania to East Tennessee; related to Headrick; also spelled Emmet, Emmett, Emmert, Emit.
Patty: East Tennessee; related to Headrick, Dunn, Walker.
Caylor: East Tennessee to North Georgia; mostly related to Dunn, and some Headrick.
Crowson: East Tennessee to North Georgia, then moved west; minor branch, related to Headrick.
Babb: East Tennessee; minor branch, related to Headrick; brick-wall research.
Cooper: Northeast Alabama and Dade County, Georgia; some later lines in Hamilton Co., Tenn.
Sizemore: Northeast Alabama and Dade County, Georgia; related to Cooper.
Bryant: Northeast Alabama and Dade County, Georgia; brick-wall research; related to Gray, Cooper.
Gray: Northeast Alabama; one line, related to Bryant.
Some of this research has previously been published on under "Families of North Georgia and Alabama." That site is discontinuing its family-tree for users. Scraps of this tree have popped up in forums on Rootsweb, Ancestry,, and similar sites, some of which later merged. Some of this research was published on, and may still be there. That is my static site, and is harder to update than a blog.
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